
导演: 克里斯蒂安·紐曼 

主演: 乌多·基尔 杰佛逊·豪尔 安珀·安德森 

状态: 已完结

剧情: Regine, a psychologically fragile young woman, is hiding away in the city, far from the dark and for...展开bidding countryside of her traumatic childhood. She's struggling to construct the loving family she never had, and to rise above the events of the past: above all, the disastrous home birth of her brother Isaac, which led to her mother's insanity and Isaac's apparent death. But the city is tense and hostile, and contains its own threats. An abusive relationship with the controlling psychiatrist who's treating her mother is already blighting Regine's life when the brutal murder of her grandmother raises a crucial question: is Isaac still alive, and looking for revenge against a family which he feels has rejected him? Driven to heal the wounds of the past and to reunite her family by connecting with the brother she's never met, Regine must return to the site of her previous traumas and confront the true source of her family's guilt. It could make sense of her life - or throw it into ...收起


卡拉克 HD中字 Asta Kamma August 安德斯·莫索林 苏林·海尔鲁普 埃米尔·约翰森 Emilie Steen Berda Larsen Vigga Tukula  Problematic father figures and a pill-pushing doctor lead a Danish man into darkness in Isabella E
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后来 7.0 已完结 罗曼·杜里斯 约翰·马尔科维奇 伊万杰琳·莉莉 Joan Gregson 里斯·汤普森  内森(罗曼·杜里斯 Romain Duris 饰)在小时候曾经经历过一次严重的车祸,险些丧命,然而在鬼门关里走了一遭的他如今已经成长为一名事业有成的律师,并拥有美丽的妻子和可爱的女儿。然而他却因为
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优雅女子 10.0 已完结 伊尔丝·萨拉斯 卡珊德拉·钱盖罗蒂 鲍琳娜·盖坦 Flavio Medina  迷人完美、娇生惯养的Sofia是朋友中的社交女王,可惜她的女王地位正岌岌可危。那是1982年,墨西哥正面临经济危机。 Sofia必须在维持其外表的同时,不得不接受自己地位下沉的事实,她也必须学会在
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仍然活着 7.0 已完结 Ionas Amelung David Bredin Ute Büttner Cosima Ciupek Ulrich Faßnacht Gaffa Bekim Gashi 桑雅·杰哈特 Tania Golden Nina Hecklau Maria Hengge Orang Utan Klaus Renate Regel Thilo Richter Franziska Rieck  Sin and Illy have a plan on a Greek island they want to get 'clean' on their own. But the
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巴里布 7.4 HD中字版 安东尼·拉帕格利亚 Anthony LaPaglia ....Roger East 内森·菲利普斯 Nathan Phillips 奥斯卡·伊撒克 Oscar Isaac ....Jose Ramos-Horta  影片讲述在1975年印尼入侵东帝汶期间,五名澳大利亚记者被枪击的事件。本片实际上是通过第六位澳大利亚人的视角来讲述,罗杰·伊斯特是那场灾难中的幸存者。幕后制作“巴里布五人组”事件仍是困扰澳
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假日旅途:希腊之旅 已完结 William Ringström 摩根奥林 安佳·伦德克维斯特  Sune and his family travel to Greece on holiday. but a lot goes wrong.
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林中女妖 7.0 HD中字版 Silje Reinåmo Erlend Nervold Jon Sigve Skard  《林中女妖》取材自北欧神话人物“HULDRA”。在挪威民间故事中,HULDRA是一个居住在从林深处的仙女,她咏唱出美妙的歌曲,勾引那些到森林砍柴打猎的壮士流连忘返。这些人眷恋HULDRA的美貌,却
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西西里的美丽传说 已完结 莫妮卡·贝鲁奇 朱塞佩·苏尔法罗 Luciano Federico 玛蒂尔德·皮亚纳 Pietro Notarianni Gaetano Aronica Gilberto Idonea Angelo Pellegrino Gabriella Di Luzio Pippo Provvidenti 埃丽萨·莫鲁奇 奥罗拉·夸特罗基 露琪亚·萨多 瓦尼·布拉马蒂 Salvatore Martino 安东内洛·普利西 Noam Morgensztern  当我还只是十三岁时,1941年春末的那一天,我初次见到了她那一天,墨索里尼向英法宣战,而我,得到了生命里的第一辆脚踏车。她,撩著波浪状黑亮的秀发,穿著最时髦的短裙和丝袜,踏著充满情欲诱惑的高跟
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巴士惊魂 7.4 已完结 Michel de Souza 马塞罗·梅罗 Gabriela Luiz Chris Vianna Michel Gomes  故事发生在犯罪之都里约热内卢,桑德罗(Michel Gomes 饰)本是一个单纯快乐的孩子,但所有美好的一切都在他亲眼目睹母亲被强盗杀死后荡然无存了。在内心巨大的痛苦和愤怒面前,桑德罗迷失了方向,
巴士惊魂 惊悚 犯罪 动作 剧情
漂泊者 5.8 已完结 Asia Argento  A main character of the incest movie "Gli sfiorati", in english is also known as Drifter
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爱情十规则 6.2 HD中字版 Vincenzo Salemme Guglielmo Scilla Cinzia Mascoli  情场得意的父亲希望自己的儿子也可以成为情场高手,于是开始教儿子如何可以做到让任何女人都喜欢他,“爱情十诫”依据摩西十诫的原理,可是笨拙的儿子似乎把握不了局面,意想不到事情总在不断发生……
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