
导演: 斯蒂芬·芬尼根 

主演: 史蒂芬·霍金 巴兹·奥德林 理查德·布兰森 金·凯瑞 本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 简·霍金 罗杰·彭罗斯 基普·索恩 

状态: HD

剧情: This new feature-length biographical film tells the extraordinary and dramatic story of the planet&#...展开39;s most famous living scientist, told for the first time in his own words and by those closest to him. Made with unique access to his private life, this is an intimate and moving journey into Stephen Hawking's past and present. Interviewees include Stephen Hawking's sister Mary, his ex-wife Jane, carers and students, as well as colleagues such as Roger Penrose, plus Apollo astronaut Buzz Aldrin, actors Benedict Cumberbatch and Jim Carrey, and Sir Richard Branson This inspirational portrait of an iconic figure relates Hawking's incredible personal journey from boyhood underachiever to scientific genius and multi-million-selling author. And it charts how he overcame being diagnosed with motor neurone disease - and being given just two years to live - to make amazing scientific discoveries and become a symbol of triumph over adversity. Born exactly 300 years after the death of Galileo, Hawking grew up in a family some regarded as eccentric. Always asking questions, he was nicknamed 'Einstein' at school. Hawking blossomed at Oxford, although he only spent an hour a day studying. He noticed that he was becoming clumsy and fell over for no apparent reason. He was diagnosed with motor neurone disease, but nevertheless started a family and embarked on his academic career, finding himself at the heart of a searing scientific debate about the origins of the universe. And as he lost the use of his body, Hawking had to find new ways to think. He went on to write the huge bestseller A Brief History of Time, and the film reveals the high and lows of his resulting fame and fortune.收起


乐圣柴可夫斯基 7.0 HD 理查德·张伯伦 格兰达·杰克逊 肯尼斯·考利 麦克斯·艾德里安  Peter Tchaikovsky created some of the most romantic and beloved music ever. Surely he must have a ma
乐圣柴可夫斯基 剧情 音乐 传记
新娘与偏见 已完结 艾西瓦娅·雷 马丁·亨德森 阿努潘·凯尔 纳威恩·安德利维斯 娜姆拉塔·施洛德卡 丹尼尔·吉里斯 因迪拉·瓦玛 Sonali Kulkarni 尼廷·加纳特拉 阿丽克西斯·布莱德尔 玛莎·梅森 亚香缇 乔治娜·查普曼 里克·沃登 萨拉·芭努 顾伦德·查达哈 普莱姆 曹帕拉 迈克尔·多特森  娜丽达(艾西瓦娅·雷 Aishwarya Rai Bachchan 饰)出生在一个传统的印度家庭之中,她有三个姐妹,都到了嫁人的年龄,为了将女儿们嫁进好人家,白先生(阿努潘·凯尔 Anupam K
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不能说的事 6.1 DVD中字版 Lucas Bond 凯特·阿什菲尔德 Sophie Brooke Anil Desai Alison Garner Lucinda Holloway Ffion Jolly 尼尔·马斯克尔 Nina Sorrentino 威尔·索普 卢克·崔德威 因迪拉·瓦玛 Jordan Whyte Abigail Wisdom  离婚后带着两个孩子生活的乔,某天突然收到匿名短信,说同居男友丹尼与自己的女儿之间“有事发生”。不知道该相信谁的乔,向朋友倾诉,甚至打电话到儿童保护机构咨询,只为了能保护女儿。最终,乔得知了真相。
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生人勿进(美版) 已完结 柯蒂·斯密特-麦菲 科洛·莫瑞兹 理查德·詹金斯 卡拉·布欧诺 伊莱亚斯·科泰斯 萨莎·巴瑞斯 迪兰·科宁 里特奇·科斯特 迪兰·明奈特 吉米·贾克斯·平查克  在一个时常为白雪覆盖的小镇,有一幢昏黄孤寂的公寓,少年欧文(Kodi Smit-McPhee 饰)和离异的母亲(Cara Buono 饰)居住于此。这个清秀的小男孩敏感怯懦,在学校时常受到别人的欺
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奥德赛:海神的诅咒 7.0 已完结 阿诺德·沃斯洛 迈克·安东纳科斯 斯蒂夫·巴西奇 Stefanie von Pfetten JR·波恩  特洛伊战争后,奥德修斯与同伴飘泊于茫茫大海,塞壬女妖的以歌声诱惑他们,突然又有飞行的怪兽来袭,船毁人散。醒来之后奥德修斯一行发现自己来到一座死亡之岛,那群怪兽就住在岛上,更有一神秘女子被囚在岛上,
奥德赛:海神的诅咒 科幻 奇幻
企鹅家族 HD 想要了解身为地球上最具特色鸟类之一的企鹅,这部纪录片是独一无二的绝佳良机。我们将首次有机会见到整个企鹅家族的18个物种。这些各具特点的可爱面孔看起来或许并不陌生,但是它们习性的丰富多样性必定会为大家带
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红尘极路 7.5 HD中字版 詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊 海伦·米伦 克里斯托弗·普卢默 安-玛莉·杜芙 保罗·吉亚玛提 凯瑞·康顿 帕特里克·肯尼迪  年轻的瓦伦汀(詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊 James McAvoy 饰)应聘成为大文豪列夫·托尔斯泰(克里斯托弗·普卢默 Christopher Plummer 饰)的秘书和助手,目睹了晚年文豪和他妻子索菲
红尘极路 剧情
黄蜂 8.4 HD Nathalie Press 丹尼·戴尔 Jodie Mitchell  2005年 奥斯卡(美国电影学院奖) 最佳真人短片
黄蜂 剧情 短片
暴劫追缉 5.6 HD中字版 约翰·雷吉扎莫 泰瑞斯·吉布森 罗茜·佩雷兹  主人公菲利克斯是个每天努力打拼的中产阶级,正在为一家名叫“邓巴保安中心”的运输公司工作。在一次歹徒计划周密的抢劫中,菲利克斯被打晕了过去。醒来后他发现自己被当成了这场抢劫的头号嫌疑犯。为了洗清罪名
暴劫追缉 动作