
导演: Michael Hamilton 

主演: 斯科特·阿金斯 迈克尔·比斯平 Karyn Bryant 范·迪塞尔 Tito Ortiz Joe Rogan 米基·洛克 乔治·圣皮埃尔 Dana White 迈克尔·加·怀特 

状态: HD中字版

剧情: His passion for combat sports wasn't keeping him alive so survival mode kicked in for Michael an...展开d he was forced to take normal jobs, including working in factories, slaughterhouses, demolition companies; in addition to working as an upholsterer, postman, tiler, plasterer, and salesman. In his later years though, Michael's career as a UFC fighter would take off and he would become one of the sports fan favorites, but with any combat sport comes the shrapnel of getting kicked and punched in the face on a nightly basis. In a controversial fight against the steroid-induced Victor Belfort, the unthinkable would happen to change the course of Bisping's life forever. He would suffer a detached retina from a blow and kick to the head that would disfigure and scar the fighter forever, threatening to end a career he has sacrificed everything for. With a wife and kids that love him, they plead for the battered and bruised fighter to hang up the gloves, as they feel he has nothing left to prove. But in the end that decision is left to only one man: Michael Bisping.收起


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录影带谋杀案 科幻 悬疑 惊悚 恐怖
比斯平 HD中字版 斯科特·阿金斯 迈克尔·比斯平 Karyn Bryant 范·迪塞尔 Tito Ortiz Joe Rogan 米基·洛克 乔治·圣皮埃尔 Dana White 迈克尔·加·怀特  His passion for combat sports wasn't keeping him alive so survival mode kicked in for Michael
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熟悉的人 HD 嘉科莫·吉安尼欧缇 蕾斯拉·德·奥利维拉 瑞秋·斯盖顿 Raymond ABLACK 阿黛莱德·凯恩 乔纳森·凯兹 莫娜·特拉奥雷 帕尔文·考尔 Dion Karas  以前的高中同学(吉安诺蒂和德奥利韦拉)在酒吧里偶遇,在他们不情愿地承认他们在恋爱之前就建立了关系。他们迅速发展的爱情的冲击迫使他们在舒适和不可预知之间做出选择。
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