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眼泪制造者 HD中字

Within the walls of the Grave, the orphanage where Nica grew up, a legend has always been told: that...展开 of the maker of tears, a mysterious craftsman, guilty of crafting all the fears and anxieties that inhabit the hearts of men. But at seventeen years old, the time has come for Nica to leave fairy tales behind. Her biggest dream is about to come true. Mr and Mrs Milligan have started the adoption process and are ready to give her the family she has always wanted. In her new home, however, Nica is not alone. Along with her, Rigel, a restless and mysterious orphan, the last person in the world Nica would want as an adoptive brother, is also taken from the Grave. Rigel is intelligent, smart, plays the piano like an enchanting demon and has a beauty that can enchant, but his angelic appearance conceals a dark nature. Even though Nica and Rigel are united by a common past of pain and hardship, living together seems impossible, but kindness and anger are two different ways of fighting pain to stay alive and to conceal the emotions that devastate their hearts, becoming for each other that tears-maker of legend. To the maker of tears you cannot lie: and they will have to find the courage to accept that desperate force that attract them towards each other called love.收起



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上帝之城 HD中字版 亚历桑德雷·罗德里格斯 莱安德鲁·菲尔米诺 菲利佩·哈根森 道格拉斯·席尔瓦 乔纳森·哈根森 马修斯·纳克加勒 塞乌·乔奇 艾莉丝·布拉加  巴西里约热内卢的贫民窟,这里是“上帝之城”,更是魔鬼也会叹息着转身的地方。阿炮(Alexandre Rodrigues 饰)带着我们到了这里,他见证了这里二十多年来被残暴、贪婪、复仇、野心、背
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天堂:希望 6.9 已完结 梅兰妮·莱尼兹 维瑞纳·莱巴约 约瑟夫·洛伦兹 薇薇安·巴奇  天堂三部曲之希望。主角是《天堂:爱》中的女主角特瑞莎的女儿。这个13岁的女孩肥胖又无礼。当她的妈妈前往肯尼亚度假的时候,她参加了一个奥地利的减肥夏令营。在这个夏令营里,她爱上了夏令营的负责人。这个
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